happy talk

Lola is so incredibly good natured these days. She goes through entire days chatting away to herself, pulling scarves and hats out of the basket in the hall, strolling along the sofa, playing peek-a-boo around the corners of doors, inspecting her cubes and other toys, being pushed around on her wheeled mouse (brrrrm, brrrrm, eek! eek!), sitting in her high chair munching carrots, rice cakes, chicken soup, or lamb casserole, splashing and laughing in her bath.

A happy crawler She’ll sit on her mouse and grip the handle with great concentration as you push her around, obviously loving every moment. Isa has had her out on the patio (we’ve had over a week of wonderful sunny days) sitting on her see-saw and rocking back and forth, hanging on with a similar concentration. When Isa stops rocking her, Lola urges the see-saw on…

Heather came to visit on Saturday, looking very well. She brought Lola a fantastic monkey which she absolutely loves; she took to it straight away, laughing and squealing as Hev made it play peek-a-boo with her. We had a great day and I think Heather really enjoyed Lola’s company. Fab.

Her name is Lola, Lola Canola
She’s got a shmola, and a little bola.

(To the tune of Mr Manilow’s Cocacabana. It’s hard, having parents who are completely bonkers in the nut. And have no taste in tunes. There’s also the following, to the tune of Duran Duran’s, “Rio”:)

My name is Lola and I’m really rather cute
I think when I grow up I might just play the flute.


chicken chowder

Lola standing in a tartan dressTake one tiny onion, a small carrot, and half a medium-sized red pepper and dice finely. Gently fry the onion and carrot in some olive oil, adding the pepper after a minute or two. When softened, add about half a pint of fresh stock and a handful of sweetcorn (I used frozen); simmer gently for 15 mins or so. Add about half a boiled chicken breast (eg, the chicken from the stock pot), finely diced, and about half a teaspoon of ground cumin. Bring back to a simmer then remove from the heat and add a big pinch of chopped corriander. Allow to cool a little before liquidising and passing through a sieve (to remove corn husk).

Lola’s verdict: yum.