Image006 Well, no pertinent title comes to me at present. Nor does any well-constructed, thought-provoking and entertaining content. So we’ll just run with the “whatever comes into my head as I stumble over the keyboard” approach. OK?

Isa and I both have new mobiles — hence the rash of dubious photos here and on flickr. That’s dubious in terms of image quality, not subject, of course. In fact, Isa has taken some great pics of Lola with her phone (which has the more impressive camera — they’re both 2MP jobs, but the one on her Nokia 6233 is better than the one on my K610i).

Image003 Lola, meanwhile, has had a nasty cold all week with rivers of snot joining the flow of fluids from her body. Isa bought a special device (a snot pump, perhaps) from the chemist to evacuate her nose of the stuff; I was a little worried her brains might follow but it seems safe enough. It’s like one of those dust blowers you see photographers with: a rubber bulb with a nozzle on.

Her cold makes it hard for her to sleep, so she wakes up more at night and spends the days a bit whingy. Poor mite. She manages, most of the time, to keep smiling, though. *hug* It means she’s spent less time in the gym, so hasn’t perfected her rolling back onto her back trick yet. She has done it once but we were looking the other way and turned round just to see her lying on her back with a slightly bemused expression on her face.Me? Bemused? I don't think so.

Starting to feel properly autumnal now, with a chill in the air of a morning.That said, it’s still pretty warm and mild-mannered and I’ve not neededto put a coat on yet. Isa has, though; which has caused much amusement in Crouch End as she wanders around with her coat done up over Lola’s sling, leaving Lola with just her head poking out.