6 kg

Is the current (and very approximate) weight of our little bundle-ino as registered by our bathroom scales.

Today has been hardish. It’s the first weekend since Nonna went home and Lola slept very little last night and was overtired most of the day. Still, we had a good time, with Jenny, Ped, Raphie and Luca popping in this morning, followed by Daphne who had her hair done and then stayed for lunch (ham and pea risotto). Daphne’s really lovely and it was great to see her.

Tonight we’re starting on a new stricter routine for Lola, to try and encourage better sleeping habbits (ie, breaking the association with falling asleep on the nipple). She went to bed (late) at eight and, when she woke at 10:30, we didn’t rush in and feed her, but let her cry for five minutes before going in to reassure her of our presence and then leaving her again. She cried for a few more minutes and then went back to sleep — so that’s great. It’s now 12:30, and I’ve just heard her wake again. She can eat now…

Oh – and she fed from the bottle this evening! Result!
