
Being something which Lola says occasionally and we say a lot. Along with ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, lu-lu-lu-lu-lu, and their ilk.

We’ve just returned from visiting my parents in Watchet, Somerset. It was the first time I’d seen their new house, which they moved into just a week before Lola was born, and it was the first time my dad had seen Lola. And it was a succession of firsts, of course, for Cesarina (aka Angela, aka La Nonna Cicina).

IMG_2870 We had a fantastic time. Lola travelled really well and didn’t fuss in the taxi or in the train — and she absolutely loved sitting in her baby-seat riding shotgun with Dad in the camper. We went out a lot in the camper, with Dad picking picturesque bits of the locality to visit, a trip before lunch, then another after. IMG_2850We went to Minehead, walked up a quantock, visited one of the stations on the West Somerset Railway, strolled around Watchet harbour… All that, and we held a reception for Lola on Sunday afternoon. By which I mean Dad had told all the local relatives and friends that they were welcome to come round and see Lola on Sunday between 3 and 5, and Mum made scones and cakes and laid on tea. St John and Christine, Felicity and John, Liz and Juan were all in attendance. Liz bought Lola a fabulous red elephant, which can be seen hanging from her ankle in the pic below, and some lovely pink pyjamas.

Mum and Dad’s new house is great. I thought it might be odd and a little sad (evoking memories of a family home which no longer exists) but, in fact, it felt like home; partly because it was filled with all of their stuff, partly because it’s a very comfortable and sociable space, and mostly because Mum and Dad live there ;-)  I hope we get to spend a lot of time there with Lola, walking the Quantocks, pootling around on the railway, and playing on the beaches.

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