la nonna cicina

Sta arrivando oggi.

This morning, Lola would pull into a sitting position without her head dragging behind her. And when I lifted her to splosh her bum in the bowl of warm water she was more interested in a spot of assisted walking than in bending her legs to sit in the water.

Lola, I realised last night, has stopped making the odd, high-pitched, back-of-the-throat, inhalation-based noise that she used to make a lot while sleeping and, somewhat less, while awake. It was a very distinctive and amusing little call which I would wander around emulating. I wonder will it pass from memory — I don’t think I have a recording of it.

Her vocalisations have changed so much already since her birth. Her crying is different as are her various sighs and moans. And she has a whole new vocabulary; she’s not quite bablling yet, but she has a whole range of vowel sounds and is starting to get the hang of a few consonants (‘g’, ‘m’, ‘n’). When she gets excited she invariably will start chatting away.

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