stuff, vol 17,831

Tsk–it is some considerable time since my last post. I blame the relentless onward march of time and my failure to inject a large enough quantity of significant events into it. Actually, putting on a less flippant face, I am not a fan of the modern malaise of attempting to rush through insanely full and varied itineries; great imperatives hanging over us all the time. Though some of those imperatives are hard to sidestep when entrenched in our mad economic/electronic pseudo-reality.

IMG_2609 But I’m not here to witter on about that. I’m here to celebrate our daughter’s continuing adventures in life. Lola gets stronger, calmer, and cleverer by the day. She grows more independent, happily lying in her gym or sitting on her chair eying up her dangly toys, cooing and gooing to herself. She’ll sit on my knee now (with support, of course), a position she wasn’t keen on before; and we play at pulling her into a sitting position from lying down.

IMG_2614 She’s started to touch things, and will reach towards toys when we’re playing with her; the other day she was reaching out to the elderberries I was showing her as we toured the garden. Tonight, for the first time, she gripped a toy (a two-handled smiley-face mirror-rattle) we were playing with–the jubilation of which moment was only lightly tainted by the fact that she then proceded to whack herself in the face with it. Later, she held on to her tiny doll, Wendy (who, by convention, always says, “Hello Lola, have you seen my tuba?”), when we were changing her for bed.

Nonna Cicina is coming next week (that’s Isa’s mum, to the uninitiated) and is staying for three weeks. In the middle of which we plan to take a long weekend and go and visit my parents. So my dad will get to meet Lola; and Lola will be entertained by all her grandparents at once.

Bleh. Fade…

Good night.

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