long girl

We took Lola to our new GP today for her six-week checkup. We’d decided to move from our current practice, having become a little fed up with the lack of continuity — we never saw the same doctor twice. Perhaps that was our fault for not ensuring we got the same doctor whenever we arranged an appointment; anyway, our new doctor was very highly recommended by several of our friends, and a new beginning for us all seemed appropriate.

Anyway, she gave Lola a pretty thorough going-over, asking good questions of us and pointing out useful and pertinent stuff (both good traits in a GP; neither necessarily a given).

Lola is bang-on average weight for her age ([insert weight here when I remember to remind myself]) and is in the 98th centile for length at 59cm.

So there you go. And so, coincidentally, do I. ‘Night.

PS: It’s a bummer that you can’t reorganise your photostream in flickr: I uploaded our Naples pics from last year, but they appear first and interfere with Lola. As it were.

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