…cured by Lola

Lola knew just what to do. She woke in the middle of the night (perhaps alerted by Isa’s groaning), took one look at the afflicted gland and set to with gusto, completely emptying it, lumps and all. Much relief all round.

One downside of having got Lola to be so good at the breast is that she now seems loathe to take a bottle; looks like we’re going to have to retrain her to be happy with either. I tried three or four times on Saturday before she finally took the bottle (though when she did, I had to refill it twice before she was satisfied). It’s really distressing when she refuses it — she gets so upset, flailing out and seeming to push the bottle away and screaming what sounds very much like “noooooo”. We think perhaps she’s just not hungry on these occasions, but was looking for the boob for comfort…

The same thing happened today when I tried to feed her while Isa was working. The first two time she went into a tantrum, but an hour and a half later she took it happily. Hey ho.

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