
Well, the work we did on breastfeeding (see the earlier babysitting entry) has paid off. At that time, Isa was quite worried that she wasn’t producing enough milk and was suspecting Lola’s colick was centered around that. Well, Isa went out on a haircut job today, then popped into John Lewis on the way back; five hours later she got home with exploding boobies and expressed 225 mil of milk. An hour later and Lola is guzzling away at them, milk dribbling down her cheeks. Soon we’ll have a freezer full of the stuff; I’m already working on a plan for a breast-milk ice-cream parlour for the under-ones…

Lola’s getting so good at latching on to the boob; sometimes we think she’s playing with her new skill: on, off, on, off, on, off, on…

It’s certainly a great relief to have that sorted. Isa now has almost no pain; a bit of tenderness, but the let-down is much softer and Lola is generally much softer when suckling. There are still moments, but it’s not the non-stop gring it was.

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