A quiet moment’s rumination.


Originally uploaded by hooperism.

Not sure what I’m doing, though…

So, Sunday night and another fractured weekend. By which I don’t mean it was broken in any significant way; it’s just the way that time behaves at the moment, forming a chain of fragments which follow Lola’s needs. We just returned from walking an unsettled Lola around Crouch End, hoping to get her to sleep a little before we entered the final feed-bath-feed-sleep routine. It worked; but has left the parents utterly exhausted.

Yesterday we went to Camden, as Isa wanted to check out a shop in the market that sells cot veils (decorative fabric to hang from the ceiling to encircle the cot, princess-style). Which we found, but decided would be better bought at Ikea. It was good to wander round the market; seems an age since I had. It really doesn’t change a lot — OK, there’s all the new development up at the chalk farm end, but it’s largely retained the feel it had 15 years ago. Walk past the Electric Ballroom and I’d swear those were the same kids I was handing out Baby Snakes flyers to in the early 90s.

Lola and dad in Camden So we walked around, me carrying Lola in the sling and giving her a running commentary on all the exciting, vibrant markety stuff while she snored on obliviously. She did wake when we stopped to feed her; she really notices when she’s in new places, and spent ages staring round the cafe.IMG_2395

I must go — I was really only testing this new blog-stuff-from-flickr functionality I just discovered. I’ll tell you about the great little pizza stall we found and the long walk home some other time </lie>.

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