
Isa’s gone out to the pub, leaving me to cope alone. No doubt she’ll roll in at some godforsaken hour reeking of beer and fags… Oh, no — that was me, in some past life 🙂

IMG_2380 Isa has gone to the pub, though she won’t be drinking or smoking, to celebrate Lorien’s 30th birthday. I’ve stayed at home with Lola which, so far, has gone pretty well. Tried to put her down a bit soon earlier and ended up having to take her out of the crib and feed her; she was still a bit upity after that but I swaddled her and put her in her crib and she calmed down. I left her there awake, looking at her drawings; she sounds like she’s still awake now, a half hour later — cooing and ah-ing to herself.

Bitching already?!Lola has been coming on in leaps and bounds since I last posted. Not that she’s leaping or bounding, yet, but she’s smiling, holding her head up, doing push-ups when on her tummy, and making lots of conversational noises.

She also seems to have gotten (sic) over her colicky problems. For the last few weeks, she had been getting pain with eating; mainly in the evenings, but then also during the day, too. It was starting to become distressing for us all; and Lola was rarely having a ‘happy’ day. So, a few days before last weekend, Isa took Lola back to Stephanie for another sacro-cranial session. This relaxed Lola a lot, and she had a really good day that day, though she cried in the evening. The next day, Isa saw a bit of a return to the former problems, so last weekend I did a lot of research which suggested that this problem, when considered along with Isa’s sore nipples, might be solved by working on breastfeeding technique.


So, several hours-worth of googling later and I was a lactation consultant. We worked on the latch, positioning, ways of maximising the flow… And it seems to be working; helped by another sacro-cranial session on Sunday, Lola has had a fantastic week — alert and happy, and with no horrid tummy pain 🙂

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