sleepy baby

Lummy. She slept for eight hours (midnight to 8am) last night, then went right back to sleep after feeding and spent most of the day sleeping. When she was awake, she was calm and alert. She’s starting to smile–I was chatting to her while she was hanging out in her buggy today and she stared at me intently and gave me a series of smiles. *swoon* 🙂

She’s able to hold her head up a bit as well; I especially noticed when changing her this morning–I’d sat her up in preparation for her favourite bum-in-a-bowl-of-warm-water moment and suddenly realised I wasn’t supporting her head: she was. She can’t do it for long, yet but…

In other news, I finally had my bridge fitted today. The abuttments were screwed into the implants first and tightened with a torque wrench (apparently, the torque is enough to ‘weld’ the threads together, ensuring they can’t work loose). The bridge was then cemented onto the abuttments with ‘temporary’ cement (just in case the abuttments *do* work loose–they can get the bridge off and re-tighten; Michael said he’s never had that happen, though). It’s fabulous having my full oral cavity back–I can talk proper, and singing isn’t deeply frustrating, as it has been for the almost-year since this process started.

Anyway, beauty sleep; ‘cos I need it bad.

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