flow of semi-consciousness

late to bed and early to rise doing BMJK stuff — putting mini-site http://www.bmjlearning.com/foundation live . . . the miniature-human alarm clock helps with the early rising . . . she had a rough night, as did Isa — Lola not feeding properly but stuck on the nipple . . . mum was going to defrost a bottle of expressed when dad woke and tried a song, which lulled instantly . . . so weird, looked like pain/hunger, but perhaps was something else if soothable by song

so, Lola a month old . . . a little longer, a little heavier, with eyes that follow and have lashes sprouting on the lids . . . still exquisitely beautiful; there’s nothing to compare with just holding her hand, watching her sleep . . . when we bathe her,  she almost stands up herself, just taking a bit of help for balance . . . she still loves her flash cards, spends ages lying peacefully while being changed, looking at her spiral, or her parallel lines, or her shapes . . . wish I could stay home with her all the time . .

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