grandma visits

IMG_2236Making use of one of the features of the new parental abode in Watchet (its comparitive proximity to London), Lola’s grandma came up today to meet her for the first time. My Mum (as she also is, by an odd coincidence) hopped on a train at Taunton and got to Paddington 100 minutes later; total journey time about three-and-a-half hours.

We had a fabulous time, sweltering together in various locations in the house and garden. An awful lot (with some emphasis on the awful) has gone on since we we last together at Christmas and it was so good to see her looking well. And just so good to see her. Full stop. What a fab mum.

IMG_2239A great shame that dad couldn’t come up, too; still, luck holding, Lola will get to meet her grandad in a few weeks. Whether he’ll come up in the camper or we go down there, we’re not sure yet. No reason not to go for both…

Isa has decided that Lola looks a lot like her grandma and I must admit that, now she’s said it, I do see a lot of Mum in Lola. Then again, I am a credulous kind of chap with no great eye for these things.
Any road up. I would like to witter on more, but the desire to go to bed is just too strong.



Oh my, it is hot. And has been all week: I’ve been sweltering at the office, my paternity leave sadly over, and Isa and Lola have been sweltering in the garden. At night, we all swelter together in the bedroom, where we sometimes also sleep.

Sweltering in the sitting room. Lola’s not slept well the last couple of nights, this cloying heat presumably not helping there, either.

It was not nice having to go back to work; there’s a nagging wrenching of the heart. Lola tends to be getting less sociable by the evening, but I get some good time with her, bathing, changing, chatting, singing. This morning, around 4am, I managed to stop her crying with a song that I then had to keep up for about an hour as I tried to give Isa a bit of a rest. There’s not a lot I can do to aid the nighttime feeds, being devoid of boobs.