ivy murderer

IMG_2158 Yesterday, I cut the trunks of all the ivy which is throttling the sycamore tree at the bottom of our garden. Not that I have any great love for the water-guzzling sycamore, which was probably partly responsible for the death of one of our apple trees this year, but the ivy foliage is very thick and stops a significant amount of light from reaching our garden.

I felt very guilty killing the ivy, though. I’ve recently started killing flies and mosquitoes and, occasionally, moths. Which also makes me feel terrible. How dim is that?


Abdoul popped round last night, bringing a couple of lovely dresses for Lola. He looked very well; he’s off tomorrow to a festival in Ipswich to cook Morrocan food (plus one Brazillian dish, apparently) for 300 people. It sounds like things are going well for him since he got back, which is great.

IMG_2116 After he left, we bathed Lola and started making some dinner and thinking about making the biscuits and brownies for Elly’s picnic. I’d just put the chicken salad together and Isa had measured out all the ingredients for the brownies when Lola started crying. And crying. Mum had to go and feed her, and was unable to leave her for over an hour. I managed to do the required bit of 5eye work and then make the brownies. Isa eventually escaped the nipple-monster and came to eat and make the choc-chip cookies at around one AM.

That was the start of the worst night so far, with Isa being woken again and again by an insecure Lola. This morning was no better, and our attempts to get ready for the afternoon’s picnic (including baking muffins) were heavily compromised by Lola’s only-a-nipple-will-do unrest. Still, we did eventually get out and make it to the picnic with muffins, biscuits and brownies, which astonished the other guests who assumed simply looking after the newborn would be as much as anyone could do!

Does this mean we’re neglecting you, Lola? 😉