
IMG_1907I wish I’d taken a video of Lola sleeping during her first two or three days of life: she used to do these incredible Bruce-Lee-style kung-fu spasms in her sleep.

She’d be lying there, peaceful and motionless, and suddenly her arms would shoot out to the sides above shoulder height. A really rapid, violent but graceful kind of motion suggestive of someone striking an initial fighting stance. Then immediately she would relax and be back in placid dreamland.

It was a bit scary at first but it’s not unusual, aparently.


We’re off to a local kids-stuff jumble sale type thing. Isa’s shattered as Lola, having slept and fed peacefully all day, kept Mum up a lot of the night. Hopefully, an outing will tire her out a bit and she and Isa can spend the rest of the day crashed out on the sofa while we watch the Wimbledon finals.

On a different tack, I must get into the habbit of making little blog postings — I’ve not written any this week; I think because I’m thi nking I have to sit down and write it all at once. Silly boy.
