the final furlong

“Hello Lola, it’s Daddy!” How bored you must be getting with that. I expect you to give me a suitably withering look when you finally make your entrance 🙂 Not that you’re late — it’s still over a week till the due date; it’s just that we’re ready and waiting and you do keep kicking Mummy’s bladder.

Anyway, I just thought I’d witter some random musings at you while the rest of the country watches England play Trinidad & Tobago in the opening rounds of the World Cup. No doubt I’lll be able to tell if we score from the shouts emanating from pubs and living rooms accross the city. Will you be sporty, I wonder; I really am not, though I am looking forward to taking you to the swimming pool as soon as it’s allowed. And I’ve got a cycling/camping tour of southern France pencilled in for whenever you’re ready.

Gosh, I’m making myself sound all healthy and energetic, but the truth is I’ve become terribly sedentary over the last year. A few salutes to the sun of a morning, some press-ups at night; I do walk, under load, to rehearsal and back every week, but I’ve not got on the bike yet this year and my promises to myself about enrolling in a gym or taking up that Tai Chi class remain unfulfilled. It’s all going to change. Honest.

I wonder when you’ll meet your grandparents. If things go well, I expect my Mum and Dad will be along pretty early on but they won’t be around at the birth because they have to move house the weekend you’re due. They’ve had a rotten year with Dad having a major operation and then a number of complications in its wake that kept taking him back to hospital, leaving him with chronic pain and discomfort and Mum with an awful lot of boxes to pack. Thankfully, Dad does seem to be on the mend now. *hug*

Well, I must think about starting the dinner. Your Mum is just finishing off with a hair client; she’s just powered up the hair dryer. (Ooh — big shout. Did England score?) Smoked salmon with scrambled egg and spinach, I do believe. Yes, somewhat breakfasty, but then was when we concocted the menu: breakfast time.

Right, I’m off. See you soon. (Yes, Lola: a hint :-))