Goodnight #1

A photo-less entry–I really can’t be bothered to download the images from the camera, upload them to, and then link them to this. Which reminds me to mention that you can see all our recent pics at the URL I just mentioned. It’s my habbit at the moment to dump all our pics up there: cheap, off-site storage; and they have more bandwidth…

Any road up, all well here. Isa gets very tired, but is coping really well. We hope to have pretty much everything done by the end of the week. Even it some work remains, we’re going to clear all the tools out and pause until we’re in a post-natal state.

So, as I said: good night.

Isle of Wight

Typical, isn’t it: you get a new toy and play with it for a couple of weeks but then you start to lose interest. Then again, it has been a little hectic. We did force a break, though — took a long weekend on the Isle of Wight which was fantastic: peaceful, pretty, lots of coast; very much not London and our blighted flat. You can see more pics by clicking those below.
Portsmouth Harbour Ventnor, where we stayed

That was only a week ago but seems an eon already. Isa caught a fevery cold which flared up the night she got back, and she spent three days in bed feeling really rotten. She wasn’t on top form, anyway — she finds walking and other movements painful and she can’t sleep well because of restless leg syndrome, and she get a lot of swelling in her feet. Add to that her distress at the time it’s taking to get the flat sorted and our little holiday soon faded!

It’ll return, though, when things settle; and so may we, with Lola — we really did like the place, and it’s very quickly reached from London.

Thank you, and good night.