Another long weekend begins

And another that we’ll be spending in our very own DIY resort, the sitting room. Mike’s now put the finishing touches on the decoration, sensibly insisting that the ceiling be done, too. He’s taken away the manky, disused fire-alarm sensor and patched a good of gap twixt wall and ceiling; then painted the top of the end door/window frame which was exposed when we removed the pelmet, exactly matching the paint colour by adding black and yellow ochre to his white.

So, this weekend we can clear it up, bring the furniture back in, finish the wiring and maybe get the A/V stuff hooked up, and set the hearth board properly so Isa can lay her fantastic tiles. It’ll be a great relief for Isa to get the sitting room back; at least there’ll be a lovely new room for a haven as the rest of the work goes on. Mike’s coming back (thanks, Mike) next week to continue with that–should get the hall cupboard done.

Must get over to see Grandma, whom Mike is having to abandon to come over here. Strong word, abandon, but she’s had a terrible time with many hospitalisations for broken bones, knee-replacement, hip-replacement… She has great strength and bounces back with vigour–but she keeps getting knocked back. She’s become dependant on Mike to cook and care, and is only just now in a position where she can stand up and do something at the same time. I feel partisan in the abandonment, I guess. Maybe we could get over this weekend.

Next weekend, we plan to go away, take a long weekend… somewhere. If only I could decide where.