Saving the world, pt 73

So how are we going to save the world1?

When I was younger, I was going to do it by becoming a famous singer and waking people up with my songs; now I’m doing it by not running the tap while I brush my teeth.

I think my original plan was more realistic. As my uncle says, it doesn’t make much difference how much energy-saving and recycling a bunch of middle-class first-worlders do when you bring China and the rest of the developing world into consideration. But then, he’s a terrible cynic2 — if no one makes the effort things certainly won’t improve.

Some might say we’re not worth saving, but I can’t agree. We do some beautiful stuff, and have the capacity for getting an awful lot out of what’s plonked around us. (I always was a bit of a tree-starer.)

[1] — Of course, calling the human race “the world” is a typical arrogance indicative of the mess we create. It’s not likely we’d succeed in completely wiping out life on the planet; I think even taking it down to the single-celled creature level might be more than we can manage. Which is some comfort.

[2] — Actually, he’s a very good cynic.

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