Goodbye (some) carpet

Ah, Sunday: a day of rest and…

Bzzzzt! Wrong! Today we initiated project rip-up-half-the-carpet-and-crawl-around-on-your-knees-pulling nails (a sub-project of the higher-level make-the-living-room-nice project).

Removing the carpet Removing the carpet Nail pulling

We’d imagined all kinds of possible nightmare under the carpet but, actually, it looks pretty good. Some of those gaps are pretty big, though.

Long view of a gap. The biggest gap.
As a break in the middle of carpet hell, we went down to the Hornsey Vale community centre (where Isa does her Stitch ‘N Bitch). They were holding a (poorly attended) “Wisdom and Wellbeing” event. Cuppa tea and home made raw berry flan; cranial masage; Help the Aged. The best bit was a demo of Tai Chi by an impressive young guy who runs a Tuesday class there. I think we’re going to go; I never realised that it has so such a strong self-defence aspect.

Anyway: home; made ragu; pulled more nails and Hoovered while Isa decorated some tiles for the fireplace; ate; wrote this. And goodnight.

Decorated tiles

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